Agile a bright shiny object!

In a 2021 McKinsey and Company survey, 44% of respondents reported some form of agile transformation occurring in their organisation.

It could be said that Agile has become "the new black" for businesses globally since it's highly effective application in the technology sector.

But do non-tech companies really understand where best to use Agile in their operations? Or do they understand how to optimise the potential value from their innovations delivered using Agile methods?

Organisations that are able to answer these two questions will be the ones who unleash the true potential of Agile in their business.

Agile + Matae

To understand where Agile is best implemented in business it's prudent to consider where it's been used most successfully and for what purpose.

Agile was born in 2001 when 17 technologists drafted the Agile manifesto and the 4 main Agile principles. Since then, Agile methodologies based around these principles have been adopted by numerous technology companies to rapidly deliver customer-centric product solutions.

Using Agile enabled product development teams to capture requirements, develop and prototype quickly, test for feedback from potential users and ultimately get product out-the-door (and revenue in-the-door) in shorter cycle times. This is great for innovating or developing products, but what Agile was never intended to do is support implementation or large-scale product adoption beyond test user groups - this is where Matae excels!

Matae provides businesses the tools to identify and sustain the new ways of working required to realise the full benefits from any innovation delivered using Agile methodologies.

With Matae, your business will be able to embed the critical actions needed to deliver results in-step with the speed of your innovations!

The Agile challenge

What we know about Agile

Executive view
only 20%

of executives say they know the best way to achieve agility and innovation according to a Harvard Business Review survey.

Employee view
only 18%

of employees feel change agile according to Forbes.

Agile transformation success
only 31%

of organisations undertaking agile transformation were identified as highly successful according to Mckinsey research.

Agile for innovation, Matae for change

If Agile is the phillips head screw driver that drives innovation and solution development, Matae is the flat head screw driver you need to effectively deploy and operationalise your innovations. ​​

Moving at speed

Rapid, scalable and repeatable change

When using Agile there are multiple frequent product (innovation) releases and with each release people are required to make adjustments to existing business practices and how they work.

Matae delivers a highly effective, repeatable and scalable process to enable people to easily adopt new ways of working.

By standardising the approach to supporting iterative product releases, Matae drives the speed of adoption and helps organisations build change capability!


The connective tissue

Agile methodologies and tools are fantastic at supporting small teams to collaborate and deliver cross-functional innovations, but arguably changes that impact multiple business areas are the most difficult to implement.

Matae bi-passes traditional organisational structures to create the connective tissue that enables cross-functional teams to collaborate effectively to implement change.

Matae's Microsoft Teams application provides a one-stop shop for cross-functional leaders to connect, align around objectives and their roles, track progress and celebrate success.


Optimised timing and communications

As a business employs Agile methodologies to innovate, the volume of changes happening within the organisation will naturally increase.

While some of these changes may be iterative releases and comparatively small in size, the coordination of release timing and communications are critical to avoiding confusion and managing change impact and fatigue. This is especially important when Agile methods are being employed to deliver multiple projects across different business areas concurrently.

Matae enables businesses to manage all projects for a central platform, see stakeholder impact across multiple changes and plan communications with a portfolio view.

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